Monday, April 28, 2014

Dog with a bone

Hmm, smells like a bone...

...yum, tastes like one too!

Mmm, mmm....

...mmm, mmm...


Where'd it go??

Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter Egg Hunting

Are you here for the Easter Egg hunt?

How about you?

What's going on over there?

Dogs in costumes?

I don't have to dress up to get the eggs? Do I?

What's in this?

Bacon-y bits...score!

Hmm, this one just has milk bones...anything better over there?

Did I miss any?

Yum, can we do that again?

Monday, April 14, 2014

Spring has sprung....part 2

Woohoo, free at last! Now let's play ball!





You're not going to get my ball!

A quick slip to the right... eat my dust!

That was the best!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Spring has sprung....part 1

Beautiful day to patrol and see what's going on...

Wait, what's that I smell?

Yes I knew I could smell another dog behind there!

Now checking the "pee-mail"...

...hmm, something interesting here!

OK - done sniffing. Can we play ball now?

To be continued...