Monday, December 29, 2014

Road Trip: Going Further West!

So the road trip continues on...but there's not much to see. 

Hmm, Wyoming is pretty empty, just rolling plains

Nothing over there either!

Even the dog parks feel like the Wild West. Can you spot me? I'm almost camouflaged!

Come on - time to get going!

Are we there yet? Do I need to come up there and map read?

What? We've actually arrived?
So where exactly are we?

Monday, December 22, 2014

Road Trip: Going West

So where did I go on my road trip?

Well, first stop: Sioux Falls you can see, I'm not very impressed by the falls themselves!

But the Badlands...much better - so much to sniff!

Next day was very busy. Started with the most important thing: a trip to the dog park!

And then onto some sightseeing. 
Wouldn't my profile be a great addition to Mount Rushmore?

Next was Bear Park USA with bears and wolves...

...and one of the timberwolves got a little too close!

But I wasn't scared!

Monday, December 15, 2014

I'm back!!

Where have I been? I've been on a road trip!

Look, they made me a traveling den - even had my own bed.

I could see the sights as we drove.

But being in the back seat did get lonely sometimes...

...luckily my seat belt could stretch a long way!

Ah, that's more like it!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Reaping her reward!

Look how good my "down" is. Come on I must get something for that?

Is that a chicken treat?

How long must it stay on my paw...can't I eat it now?


Look at how good my "sit" is...what do I get for that?

Monday, October 13, 2014

Scents and Sensibility

First a stretch....

Next get comfortable... 

Get the nose ready with a quick lick...

What's that smell? 

Hmm, seems familiar...

Nope, nothing to worry about!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Keeping up the good work!

I don't want to get up! Let me sleep! My owners are on vacation...why not me too?

Come on...I need to get to work!

OK - I'm ready to work...some of us have to earn a living around here!

Phew: another busy day at the office done!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Monday, September 22, 2014

Game for a game!

Ball game anyone?

Look - I've dropped it!




Throw it again!

I see it.

Too high!

OK, third time lucky.

Here it comes...


Aaargh, don't fall!

I love this game!