Monday, November 25, 2013

Agility ability!

You want me to go in that tube...are you mad?

What? There's a treat in there? Why didn't you tell me sooner?

Ooh - I missed one!

So what do I do here for the treat?

Jump it?

Hmm, not sure I like this - it moves!

That was easy!

Can I go again?

Monday, November 18, 2013

At the end of her rope!

It's raining outside; I'm bored; let's play tug!

And tuugggg...


How about orange rope now?

I win! Mmmmm, tasty.

Well that was hard work...

...time for a nap!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Back in the day...

So here's a few photos from the archives...back when I was a puppy.

This is my first ever photo

And this is just after I arrived at my new home.

It was a very tiring day!

 Everything was new, and a bit scary.

But I loved balls even back then!

And my vantage point from the top step...

I still love that step, but now it's more for napping!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Toys R Us!

I love my toys...Duck and the dumbbell...

Don't forget Rabbit and Dog.

Or sometimes I mix it up with Rabbit and a ball

Even an old sock will do!

But I love Duck the best...grrr!